Friday, October 22, 2010

Sweet Boy

On September 20, 2009, at 5:02 a.m. my world was forever changed for the better when the doctor placed a very slippery, slimy baby boy on my chest and we saw each other for the first time. He was so tiny (sort of!), and I loved him instantly and intensely. In the following days as we bonded as mother and son, I knew for sure there was a special relationship between mommies and their boys just like everyone had said.

Now, I have a brown-eyed, curly headed two-year-old tyke who has truly stolen my heart. He is such a joy...kind, considerate, polite and oh-so-cuddly. Even now, I get teary weepy when I think that one day he'll be too big to rock or too old to cuddle, but he'll always be my...sweet boy.

So, a late, but very Happy Birthday to Samuel Andersen Gossman!

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